We, Kameoka Construction, started our business as a construction company in Fukushima City in 1968, and will celebrate 56 years in 2024. Our job is to create things.
Looking at the current trends in the world of manufacturing, there is a need not only to create new things, but also to reuse existing resources and pass on a sustainable society to the next generation.
We were quick to empathize with this idea, and in 2021, we are incorporating the philosophy of SDGs into our company’s management.
In 2023, we added a project called “Kameoka Construction’s Old House Restoration A-UN”, which recycles old materials and relocates old houses both domestically and overseas, as a business that gives value to old things again.
We would like to work with overseas companies to protect and pass on the value of Japan’s beautiful and valuable old materials and old folk houses, by collaborating with overseas companies.
On the other hand, we have adopted CLT and SE construction methods as construction techniques that expand the possibilities of new wooden structures, and we are making a company-wide effort to improve the level of construction technology.
At the same time, we also incorporate construction methods that are being reevaluated from the perspective of modern earthquake-resistant technology, such as the traditional Japanese framework construction method.
These efforts are techniques that have been refined precisely because we have experienced the earthquake.
We will generously share the knowledge gained from disasters to improve the safety of architecture around the world.
Our job is to enrich homes, livelihoods, and lives.
It is our pleasure and pride to have been involved in this business since our founding.
We will continue to work with everyone to create a society where people can live richer lives with limited resources.



We would like to introduce some representative cases of Kameoka Construction.
Our business is wide-ranging, and we have been asked to start a business and undertake work related to urban development.
“Public construction” is the maintenance of the city.
“Large-scale wooden construction” is the construction of large-scale buildings using wooden techniques.
Wooden houses create comfortable and safe homes. “Medical, welfare, and commercial facilities” are essential to the life of the city.
“Old folk house restoration” involves not only building, but also reusing old things to create even more value.
Our business at Kameoka Construction will continue to be deeply involved in housing, daily life, and urban development.




Privacy policies
Our company shall comply with acts on the protection of personal information and other guidelines on the protection of personal information, along with other related laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information.
1)Safe management of personal information Our company shall implement appropriate organizational,physical, manual, and technical preventative safety measures for the leakage, loss, or damage of any personal information.
2)Compliances for the attainment and other acts of personal information Our company shall comply with the following for the attainment, usage, and provision of personal information,(1)Attainment of personal information Our company might attain personal information from general users
of this site (users) or advertisement hosts on this site (publishers) for our business activities.(2)Usage of personal information Our company shall not use acquired personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes without stipulation of laws or consent of the individuals concerned.
1.For the provision and information of our services
2.For recruitment screening and employment management after recruitment
3.For the operation, maintenance, management and quality improvement of this site
3)Provision of personal information.
Our company shall not provide any acquired personal information based on the consent of individuals to a third party without consent of the individual in advance except when stipulated by laws. Regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of personal information or clarification of personal information usage purpose upon the request of individuals, our company shall act in accordance with laws and regulations and respond appropriately to received opinions and requests.
4)Change of usage purposes of personal information As a general usage rule, our company shall not alter the usage purpose specified in the preceding paragraph except with the advance consent of the individual or an advance announcement in the case when the change is generally considered relevant to the previously stated usage purpose.
5)Provision of personal information to a third party Our company shall thoroughly investigate the eligibility of the third parties concerned and ensure their safety management of the personal information before outsourcing all or a part of the acquired personal information. Our company is also obliged to execute crucial and appropriate supervision for their information management.
6)Improvement and change of private policies Our company shall strike to change and improve our private policies. Besides, our company shall evaluate our personal information management systems.
7)Disposal of personal information Our company shall delete/ dispose all personal information when
it is no longer necessary for the stated usage purpose. Our company shall also endeavor to lower the risk and prevent the leakage of information for the deletion/disposal.
8)Enquiry Kameoka Koymuten Co., Ltd.
3, Sakurashimomae, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima, Japan (960-2154)
Phone No.) 024-593-1717 FAX No.) 024-593-1725